Oct 30, 2017: In affiliation with Road Safety program conducted by ICYM Mangalore diocese, Road Safety Awareness Program was conducted by ICYM Ashoknagar unit on 08 October 2017. The program was conducted by installation of convex mirror at intersection of 3 roads near our St. Dominic Church. This mirror would help the vehicle riders to see vehicles coming from cross roads which were not possible earlier.
The program began at 09:30 a.m., the chief guest being the area’s corporator Mrs. Nagaveni. The program was headed by our Parish Priest Rev Fr. Aquin Norohna. The program was also presided by Episcopal City Deanery president Mr. Frenton. Also we were joined by some enthusiastic parishioners. ICYM Ashoknagar president welcomed all the guests and requested the chief guest to inaugurate the Mirror. The chief guest inaugurated the mirror.
After the inauguration Fr. Aquin requested the chief guest to address the gathering. The chief guest delivered her address and also thanked ICYM Ashoknagar and parish priest for this opportunity. ICYM president Jokshith D’Souza thanked all for their co operation, and the program was concluded at 10:30 a.m.