Aug 31, 2017: To promote unity and harmony the Indian Catholics Youth Movement (ICYM) of Infant Jesus Church Modankap, Bantwal unit organised a one day recreational competitions under the title “Udkanth Udkana” on 27-08-2017 the church premises. It was an inter ward competition for the parishioners.





Chief guest Fr. Roshan Crasta, Administrator, Fr. Muller Hospital, Thumbay inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp in the presence of other dignitaries. Addressing the gathering, the chief guest said that the ICYM unit of Modankap Church has gained a special recognition in the diocese through their outreaching programs and generous works. Entertainment is surely necessary in our life. Without entertainment we do not have any relaxation or refreshment, simply we will do our work round the clock like a machine and there is no difference between human and other things. He asked the youth to continue organising similar activities in the future to develop solidarity & cooperation among the parishioners.

The inauguration was followed by Creative March fast by the youth & parishioners. Sponge race, Water balance, Water weight lifting, Shower game, Ready-Steady-Go, Pick me Up & Ramp walk were the competitions conducted during the occasion. Children, youth & adults took part in the competitions.





Fr. Ashwin Cardoza - Asst. Parish Priest, Infant Jesus Church, Modankap, congratulated the ICYM unit members for the hard work and meticulous plan to organise the event. Mr. Sandeep Menezes - Vice President, Parish Council, Mr. Richard D’souza - Secretary, Sr. Supriya A.C. - Superior Carmel Convent, Mr. Sunil Lewis - ICYM Animator & Mr. Ronald Carlo - President, Cultural & Youth Welfare were the guests of honour on the dais.

The participants were provided break-fast, Lunch & Refreshment. It was estimated thousand people took part in the occasion. The winners were acknowledged by distributing prizes.

Ms. Anisha Frank - ICYM President welcomed the gathering and Ms. Eden Sequeira - ICYM Secretary, delivered the vote of thanks.






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