Sep 6 : On August 25th, 2024, at 10:30 AM in Suralpady Field, the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Ferar Unit organized "Gadyanth Masthi - 2024." The event was graced by the presence of former priest Rev. Fr. Antony Vincent Lewis, who served as the chief guest. The dais was adorned with several dignitaries, including Parish Priest and ICYM Director Rev. Fr. James Dsouza, ICYM Mangalore Diocese Immediate Past President Mr. Mithesh Dsouza, Parish Pastoral Council Vice President Mr. William Dsouza, Secretary Mr. Henry Mascarenhas, Superior of St. Joseph Convent Sr. Herita, Superior of Nirmala Niketan Convent Sr. Flora, ICYM Animator Mr. Kevin Pinto, ICYM Ferar Unit President Angel Pereira, and Secretary Sagon Noronha.

The event commenced with a solemn prayer service led by ICYM member Aaron and his team. ICYM President Angel Pereira warmly welcomed the gathering, setting the tone for the day. The inauguration was conducted by Rev. Fr. Antony Vincent Lewis, who also delivered an inspiring message to the attendees. The highlight of the event was the traditional Kambala race, followed by an impressive march past from the ICYM unit and the various inter-ward teams. Benefactors of the event were recognized and honored for their contributions. ICYM Secretary Sagon Noronha expressed heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made the event possible. Leona Cutinha served as the master of ceremonies, ensuring the smooth flow of the program.

The ICYM members organized a series of engaging individual and duo games for the parishioners, adding to the day's excitement. To cater to the participants and attendees, provisions for breakfast, lunch, and tea were arranged. During the lunch break, the ICYM members surprised the audience with an energetic flash mob performance. Mr. Prashanth and Mr. Amcil officiated as referees for team games such as volleyball, throw ball, tug of war, relay, and pyramid. Special mention was made of Mr. Roshan Santhmayor, who played a pivotal role in assisting the ICYM members in organizing the games.

For those who couldn't attend in person, the event was streamed live on YouTube, allowing a wider audience to partake in the festivities. Members from the Pezar Deanery and Central Council were also in attendance, further elevating the significance of the occasion.

The day concluded with the announcement of the overall championship, which was won by Mucchur Ward, with Ulipady Ward securing the runners-up position. The valedictory ceremony featured a brief yet impactful message to the parishioners from Rev. Fr. James Dsouza, followed by the distribution of prizes to the winners of various games.

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