Report By: Annet Carol Dsouza, Bantwal Unit
Pictures By: Merwin Saldanha, Bantwal Unit

ICYM Bantwal Deanery in collaboration with ICYM Bantwal unit organised Yuva Sambram 2K18 a youth gathering programme for the youth of Bantwal Deanery on Sunday 12 August 2018 at Anugraha Church Hall Modankap.

The programme commenced with a prayer song. Calwin Fernandes President ICYM Bantwal Deanery welcomed the gathering. Rev Fr Maxim Noronha - Parish Priest Bantwal Church, Rev Fr Kiran Pinto - Director ICYM Bantwal Deanery, Rev Fr Nelson Almeida Resource person for the day, Sr Supriya - Superior Carmel Convent Modankap, Richard Dsouza - Secretary Parish pastoral council Bantwal church, Jovel Fernandes - Treasurer ICYM Mangalore Diocese, Calwin Fernandes - President ICYM Bantwal Deanery, Minol Braggs - Secretary ICYM Bantwal Deanery inaugurated the programme by lighting a lamp.

The morning session was conducted by Rev Fr Nelson Almeida regarding 'Media and the Youth'. The afternoon session began with the action songs led by Rev Fr Ashwin Crasta - Assistant Parish Priest Bantwal Church. Ashwin Sequiera and team conducted various fun oriented activities for the youth.

The programme concluded with a message from Rev Fr Ashwin Cardoza - Assistant Director ICYM Mangalore Diocese. Minol Braggs Secretary ICYM Bantwal Deanery proposed the vote of thanks. Jonisha Lobo compered the programme. It was a successful event with a total of 160 youth and a day to remember.

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