June 22 : ICYM Fajir held its ‘Annual General Meet' and conducted the Executive Committee Election for 2024-2025 on 26th May 2024.

The meeting began with a prayer service. Sr Preema D Souza, Animator and Mr Nithesh D Souza former ICYM President were present for this meeting. President Ms Viyolla Ishmitha Lobo welcomed the gathering. Ms Joyline Florida Lobo, Secretary presented the annual report and Auditor Mr Preevan Apos presented the annual financial report of the year 2023-2024.

A felicitation ceremony was held for the beloved Sr Preema D Souza, who served as Animator who supported and guided youth throughout the year.

Nithesh D Souza , Former ICYM Member outlined the responsibilities of each post and conducted the election for the year 2024 – 2025.

The Newly Elected members for the year 2024 – 2025 are as follows:

President – Mr Preevan Apos
Secretary – Ms Roshal Melita Lobo
Vice President – Mr Johnson D Souza
Joint Secretary –Ms Nisha Roshni D Souza
Treasurer – Ms Joyline Florida Lobo
Media Representative – Mr Freckson D Souza
Red Drop Representative – Stephen D Souza
Varado Representative – Ms Jovita Reshma Mascarenhas& Mr Jovian Mendonsa
Cultural & Sports Secretary – Ms Anisha D Souza
Immediate Past President – Ms Viyolla Ishmitha Lobo

Ms Viyolla Ishmitha Lobo shared her experience of serving as President of a unit and thanked everyone for their support throughout the year.

The Oath Taking Ceremony was held on 9th June 2024. Rev. Fr. Joseph Mascarenhas presided over the oath ceremony and the former executive committee members of 2023-2024 handed over their responsibilities to newly elected members.

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