Aug 18, 2016 : Corpus Christi Church Moodbidri - ICYM visits Olavina Halli Ashram

On Monday 15th August 2016 ICYM Members of Corpus Christi Church went to visit Olavina Halli a home to serve the destitutes with the Parish Priest V. Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira who was a Chaplain there before coming to our Parish. They started from the Church at 1.30 p.m. and spent the evening visiting the Ashram & meeting the destitutes served by the Sisters of Charity. They carried with them Rice, meat, groceries, fruits etc., as a small contribution from their side.






Olavina Halli is 18 kms away from Mangalore city. It is situated in Kinya, Someshwar. It was erected in 1974 with the name ‘Olavina Halli’, which means ‘village of love’. It was started by an Italian visionary the Late Sr. Amelia Cimolino (SCCG), who was the pioneer of this centre. The purpose of this Mission was to cater to the leprosy patients, the destitute and their rehabilitation. At present the sisters render their service to about 100+ destitutes both men and women, including some pateints of Hansen disease, of all castes and creeds. The majority of them are ‘Senior Citizens’. The above residents have been accommodated in four wards, where the sisters nurse them with love and tenderness by attending to their physical, psychological and spiritual needs. The institution also has a resident Chaplain.






The photos will explain the service and the needs of the sisters to give a “loving life “ to the destitutes. May God bless them.

Let us give a helping hand to the needy and show our love to our brethren. The following is their contact address.

The Administrator, Olavina Halli
Rehabilitation and Community Development Centre
Kinya Post, Mangalore – 575 023
Tel: 0824-2280506
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.











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