Sanjay Orwin Dsouza, a member of the ICYM Bendur Unit, was elected as President of the ICYM Karnataka Region for the years 2023-2025.

Sanjay Orwin D’Souza is from St Sebastian Church Bendur ,Mangalore. He has contributed to ICYM by being an active member for many years.

His service is apparent from the following posts he has held:

  • ICYM BENDUR UNIT TREASURER for the year – 2017 to 2019
  • ICYM EPISCOPAL CITY Deanery VICE PRESIDENT for the year - 2019 – 2021
  • ICYM BENDUR UNIT PRESIDENT for the year June 2023 – 10th December 2023.

We are happy that this vibrant youth of our diocese has been elected as the President of ICYM Karnataka Region for the year 2023-2025 . Hearty Congratulations to Mr Sanjay D’souza. We wish him all the best as he moves forward. It is truly a privilege to empower the youth by being an enthusiastic leader.

Best Wishes from,
ICYM, Diocese of Mangalore

Viola Reshma Lewis, a member of the ICYM Milagres Unit, was elected as the MIJARC Representative of ICYM Karnataka Region for the year 2023-2025.

Viola Reshma Lewis, hails from Our lady of Miracles Church, Mangalore. She has contributed to ICYM by being an active member for the past 4 years.

Previously she has given her service at Our Lady of Loretto Church, Loretto, Bantwal.

Her service is apparent from the following posts she has held :

  • Joined ICYM in the year 2020
  • President of ICYM Bantwal Deanery July 2021 to December 2021.
  • Regional Representative – December 2021 to December 2023.

We are happy that this vibrant youth of our diocese has been elected as the MIJARC Representative for Karnataka Region for the year 2023-2027 . Hearty Congratulations to Ms Viola Reshma Lewis. We wish her all the best as she moves forward. It is truly a privilege to empower the youth by being an enthusiastic leader.

Best Wishes from,
ICYM Central Council, Diocese of Mangalore.

Clarin Ashwitha Dsouza a member of the ICYM Pezar Unit elected as the Mangalore Dicoesean Regional Representative for the year 2023-2025.

Clarin Ashwitha D’souza hails from St Joseph church, Pezar. She has contributed herself by being an active member in ICYM for many years.

Her service Is evident through the following posts that he she has held:

  • Pezar Deanery Amcho Yuvak for the year 2021 to 2022
  • Pezar Deanery Secretary for the year 2022 to 2023.
  • At the unit level she also Served as Lady Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and as Amcho Yuvak Representative.

Hearty congratulations to you Ms Clarin Ashwitha D’souza .We wish her all the best as she moves forward .

Best Wishes from ,
ICYM Central Council, Diocese of Mangalore.

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