Sep 3 : Indian Catholic Youth Movement City Deanery organized "Yuva Parzal 2019" an orientation cum training program for youth of ICYM City Deanery on Sunday, 18th August 2019 at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail.

The program began with a song of prayer led by Angelore youth. Ivy Melisha Dsouza, President of ICYM City Deanery welcomed the guests and the gathering.

Rev. Fr. Gration Alvares - Assistant Parish Priest of the Derebail Church presided over and inaugurated the program "Yuva Parzal 2019" in a unique way arranged by Shaktinagar youth , along with Sheldon Alvares-Karnataka Regional Representative, Ajith Pinto Permude - Joint Secretary ICYM Central Council, Rakshith Pinto Uppinangady - Nominated Member ICYM Central Council, Ivy Melisha Dsouza-President ICYM City Council, Sapna Gonsalves - Secretary ICYM City Deanery were the dignitaries of the program.

Dr. Ajith D'souza and Mrs. Renita D'souza were the resource persons for the day, conducting sessions and activities based on self-awareness, self-esteem, self-image and self-motivation.

At noon, with the initiative of President Ivy Melisha and with the support of the Executive Committee members of the ICYM City Deanery, entertained all young people with group activities and group games.

Valedictory program of "Yuva Parzal 2019" took place at 3.30 p.m. Ivy Melisha D'souza President City deanery welcomed the guest and the gathering. Rev. Fr. Anil D'mello - Director ICYM City Deanery delivered a presidential speech. Rakshith Pinto Uppinangady , nominated member ICYM central council were the dignitaries of the program.

Sapna Gonsalves Secretary ICYM City Deanery proposed the vote of thanks. Vinol Roch Angelore was the host of the day. Rev. Fr Anil D'mello presented the prizes to the winning teams. 120 youngsters were present and actively participated, making the event a success. "Yuva parzal 2019" was concluded by ICYM anthem.

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