Oct 11 : ICYM City Deanery celebrated Nativity of Mother Mary and ‘Novem Jevan’ on Saturday 21 September 2019 at St. Anne church hall , Kelarai.

The prayer service was conducted by youths of Bajjodi unit. Fr.Anil D’mello Director ICYM City deanery , Fr.Joseph Mascarenhas Parish Priest St. Anne church Kelarai , Fr. Lawrence Asst parish priest Holy Cross church Kulshekar were present .

Fr. Anil Dmello delivered the presidential speech . Delicious food was served to all the members present which was prepared by all the 12 units of the deanery . Total 140 youths were present.

Ivy Melisha D'souza President ICYM City deanery welcomed the gathering and also proposed the vote of thanks.

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