April 4 : Indian Catholic Youth Movement Central Council, Diocese of Mangalore celebrated "METANOIA 2023- Change My Heart Oh Lord!" a journey of the heart in preparation for the Holy Week, under the leadership of Sacred Heart Church Surathkal in association with ICYM Surathkal Deanery, ICYM Surathkal Unit, Faith Band Goa, Jesus Youth Movement Mangalore and Missionary Families of Christ Mangalore (MFC) on Saturday, 1 April 2023 at Sacred Heart Church grounds.

Very Rev Fr Austin Peter Peris, Parish Priest Sacred Heart Church and Vicar Forane of Surathkal Deanery, Rev Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, Director ICYM Mangalore Diocese, Rev Fr Sylvester D’Costa, Director ICYM Surathkal Vicariate, Rev Fr Richard D’Souza, assistant Parish Priest Sacred Heart Church Surathkal, Rev Fr Anil Fernandes, SVD Divine Call Retreat Centre Mulki, Mr Glan, Faith Band Goa, Mr Russell Roche, Vice President PPC, Mrs Asha Pinto, secretary of PPC, Mr Norbert Misquith, PPC Commission Coordinator, Mr Sandeep D’Souza, convener of the Youth commission, Mr Anil John Sequeira, President ICYM Central Council Mangalore Diocese, Miss Anisha Fernandes, President ICYM Surathkal Vicariate, Mr Oswin D’Souza, president ICYM Surathkal Unit, Miss Melisha D’Souza, Secretary ICYM Surathkal Unit were present on the dais for a short inaugural programme. V. Rev. Fr Austin Peres welcomed the gathering and felicitated the donors.

Praise and worship was conducted by Faith Band Goa, ICYM Central Council Members helped with the gospel action songs. Taizé Prayer was conducted by the Jesus Youth. Youth of Missionary families of Christ (MFC) shared their testimonies. Fr Anil Fernandes SVD preached the word of God and conducted the adoration.

Around 1300 people including Youth, Children and elders actively participated in this spiritual concert.

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Rev Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza
Yuvajyothi, Olivet House 
Jeppu, Mangaluru - 575002
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